4 Toxic Fatty Foods for Dogs

Iqra Tatari
3 min readMar 11, 2022


If you are a dog lover, you might have been enticed to spoil your favourite family member with a treat from your plate. The main reason we can consume foods that they can’t is that dogs are smaller as compared to us. Their bodies can’t absorb things as quickly because they are less weighted.

Some foods that are considered safe for humans can be toxic for dogs and can cause various health problems. Protecting your dogs from these dangerous foods should be your priority. At times dog owners give these toxic foods to their dogs, but mostly pets consume these foods.

Learn some items which are particularly toxic for your dogs.


Yes, chocolate is dangerous for pets, especially for dogs. There is an ingredient in chocolate called theobromine, which can be harmful to dogs and can cause kidney failure. Different kinds of chocolates have differing amounts of theobromine in them. According to a study, dark chocolate is more toxic to dogs than milk chocolate. If you feel that your pet has consumed chocolate, call animal poison control, or go straight to your nearest veterinary center.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are listed among the most toxic nuts for dogs’ health. There is no specific reason for this, but it’s known that it causes hyperthermia, fragility, vomiting, and increased body temperature. One of the most usual symptoms is weakness behind the hind legs. Always call your vet if you suspect your dog has gotten his paws into macadamia nuts. No particular antidote is required because clinical signs are light and self-limiting.

Allium Plants

Garlic, onions, leeks, and chives are part of the Allium family. Anything in the allium family is toxic for dogs. The toxicity of garlic can cause anemia and creates side effects on gums, heart rate, fragility, and collapse. The ingredient thiosulphate is found in onions, which can damage your dog’s red blood cells. Garlic and onions may have delayed symptoms, so if you suspect your dog may have consumed some, monitor him for a couple of days.

Grapes and Raisins

Dogs should never eat grapes and raisins, they are awful for dogs. Both grapes and raisins are known to be highly dangerous for dogs. There have been a lot of studies done on grape and raisin toxicity, but yet to identify precisely which material in the fruit causes a reaction. All colors of grapes, seeds, and seedless varieties should be avoided for dogs. Grapes can cause serious kidney failure, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, etc.

Wrapping up

If you are anxious about what to feed your dog, always discuss it with your vet first. As a general, keep away the fatty foods from your dog, it can cause some severe issues. To keep your dog healthy and playful, it is best to stay with the diet particularly defined to meet your dog’s dietary needs. All the best for your dog’s health.

